CrossFit GunnisonApr 9, 20201 min readFri. April 10, 2020Warm Up 2rds5min (1st)/3min (2nd)10 Body weight Goodmornings10 Lunges w/ a stretch 5 In Place Inch Worms w/ push Up-then-5min Dynamic Stretching1. Strength5rds15 Good Mornings15 ES Single Leg Elevated Bridges*Rest as needed2. Workout of the Day3rds For Time30 Burpees30 DB/KB Swings
Warm Up 2rds5min (1st)/3min (2nd)10 Body weight Goodmornings10 Lunges w/ a stretch 5 In Place Inch Worms w/ push Up-then-5min Dynamic Stretching1. Strength5rds15 Good Mornings15 ES Single Leg Elevated Bridges*Rest as needed2. Workout of the Day3rds For Time30 Burpees30 DB/KB Swings