Mon. July 15, 2024CrossFit GunnisonJul 14, 20241 min readBench Press5 sets of 4 reps, addingEach rep w/ 2sec active pause on chest.Goal 5-10lb more than 6/143rds For Time:16 Dbl. DB Step Overs (24/20)(2x50/35)14 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups50 Double Unders (:40)
Bench Press5 sets of 4 reps, addingEach rep w/ 2sec active pause on chest.Goal 5-10lb more than 6/143rds For Time:16 Dbl. DB Step Overs (24/20)(2x50/35)14 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups50 Double Unders (:40)