Wed. March 26, 2025CrossFit Gunnison6 days ago1 min readFront Squats 5 Sets of 3 repsEvery rep 3 sec down and 3 sec upGoal 5-10lb more than 3/1311min AMRAP100m Run (120m Row)8 Strict Ring Dips16 Alt. Front Rack Lunges (95/65)
Front Squats 5 Sets of 3 repsEvery rep 3 sec down and 3 sec upGoal 5-10lb more than 3/1311min AMRAP100m Run (120m Row)8 Strict Ring Dips16 Alt. Front Rack Lunges (95/65)
Mon. March 31, 2025Box Squats (28) 1 set of 5 reps at 50-55% 1 sets of 5 reps at 65% 1 set of 4 reps at 70% 1 sets of 3 reps at 75% 1 set of 2 reps at 80%...
Fri. March 28, 2025Deadlifts 1 set of 5 reps at 40% 1 set of 5 reps at 50% 1 set of 4 reps at 60% -then- 2 set of 3 reps at 70% -then- 3 sets of 3 reps at...
Thur March 27, 2025Every 2min for 5 sets: (8) 1 Power Clean + 6 Push Press 9min Ladder 2-4-6-8-10-12… Alt. DB Hang Clean & Jerk (50/35) Toes to Bar 30...